Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Diet Resolution?

Well, here we go again.  It’s another New Year and millions of people are going to “start eating healthy” for the New Year.  If you are one of those people, DO NOT START A DIET until you have read the book The Magic Bullet Diet available on  The reason why we are stuck in the cycle of losing and gaining weight is simply because we do not know that we can eat healthy and still enjoy the foods we love to indulge in.

The Magic Bullet Diet was designed with concrete nutritional principals that are simple and easy for everyone to follow.  It has helped revolutionize the diet and fitness industry by teaching people that they can “have their cake and eat it too!”

Just visit :

and download the book today!  It will shed new light on the age old battle of the bulge!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Diet Secrets for Bikini Success

I can’t think of anything more frustrating than trying to put on a pair of jeans or a dress that does not fit me anymore.  It feels like a slap in the face accompanied by a loud yelling voice saying, “Snap out of it!”

The New Year is right around the corner and I am just about ready to start my New Year’s resolution.  As usual, I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. Many people are looking for the best diet or healthy diet to lose fat and get a flat belly. Plans like the South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Diet supplements, diet pills and the phentermine diet seem to be the most common on the market today.  One thing I have learned, you don’t get a body like me in this pink bikini by skipping meals.  The trick is to eat, and eat a lot!  Selecting the right combinations of food at the right times is the trick.  I try to eat only organic produce and meats and steer clear of high saturated fats, sugar and processed foods.

Eating no carbs does not work for me.  Diet plans that focus on low carb or no carb eating is simply not a realistic option, especially when I work out.  I crave pasta, rice and bread so I make sure to choose the healthy forms from the unhealthy ones.  We need carbohydrates in our diet along with fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, sugars, proteins and trace elements like copper and magnesium.

The secret to losing weight is finding out what is good for you to eat and what is bad.  The South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet are not diets that empower someone to take control of their diet.  They are designed as a quick fix to a reoccurring problem.  How many of us lose weight just to gain it back again?  And don’t even get me started on Nutrisystem!  Yeah, okay, I want to buy my food prepackaged from some corporation for the rest of my life!  What kind of a lifestyle is that?

We need to feed the body food that it craves.  The body knows what it needs; we just need to feed it to lose weight.  Recipes that deprive the dieter of the basic pleasures of enjoying what they eat will always fail.  Although the South Beach Diet plan has been available to consumers for over fifteen years, little proof is offered by the company or its customers showing permanent weight loss effects.  Does the South Beach Diet work?  Sure it does, for a while, but then so does fasting and we all know how harmful that is to our bodies.  Try fasting for more than a week and see if you don’t want to eat everything you lay your eyes on!

Many people ask me my secret to keeping a sexy body.  My answer is usually long winded and it falls mainly on deaf ears.  Fortunately there is a simple and convenient way to eat healthy and lose weight. Diet pills, prescription diet pills, weight loss diet pills and phentermine diet pills are simply unacceptable means of weight loss.  They do nothing other than trick the body into not eating. 

A fast weight loss diet can be achieved with the proper nutrition.  What is proper nutrition you ask?  Well, first of all, stay away from free weight loss diet plans.  They will misguide you and frustrate you more.  The best diet is a natural diet.  Six secrets to a sexy you are simple to follow in a book written by a friend of mine.  His name is Michael Mancini and he wrote the most effective diet program book ever available on the market.

The Magic Bullet Diet will teach you what to eat, how to eat and when to eat to achieve the body you always dreamed of.  It is a well written, captivating and highly informative book.  Short and sweet, it gets right to the heart of healthy eating and self diet regulating.  Employing sound nutritional principals while still allowing you to eat the foods you crave and love, The Magic Bullet Diet will astound you with its simplicity and grace.  Visit and look for it in the Kindle section.  I promise you that if you buy the book, you will begin looking and feeling better within the first day!

Check back here frequently.  I will be posting delicious tasting food recipes and snack ideas all the way through  January.  Subscribe to my RSS and let me know if you need any advice.  I am always here to help and an open forum question or comment will help others too!

Superfood Secrets for Rapid Weight Loss

Is there a magic bullet diet?  Can certain foods make your body lose unwanted fat faster than others?  YOU BET!  Our bodies have evolved for millions of years on this planet.  Everything we need from fighting off diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease really does grow on trees.  Well, actually most if of grows on trees, some grow in the earth and others grow on bushes, but you get the idea.

Nature is a wonderful and bountiful medicine chest filled with every chemical, acid, nutrient and element your body needs to function at peak levels.  The genetic information contained in each one of your trillions of cells contains the secret recipe to fight off any illness your body can catch, including obesity!  Learning what to eat and when to eat it will provide you with invaluable information to get lean, healthy and sexy.  The best part is, everyone can achieve a sexy toned look without starving or deprivation.

Many people are gearing up for the new year getting ready to shed unwanted pounds.  The South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Diet supplements, diet pills and phentermine diet seem to be the most common on the market today.  So many people are looking for the best diet or healthy diet to lose fat and get a flat belly.  Unfortunately the diet pills and plans found on the market today simply do not work for the duration.  They may seem like a quick way to shed unwanted pounds but they do not provide a good baseline for the dieter to stay fit and trim.

A diet plan that incorporates good wholesome nutrition with moderate eating is needed to help maintain a sexy body.  Diet plans that focus on low carb or no carb eating is simply not realistic for normal functioning human metabolisms.  We need carbohydrates in our diet along with fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, sugars, proteins and trace elements like copper and magnesium.

The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is a fundamental understanding of what is good for you to eat and what is bad.  The South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet are not diets that prepare someone for a lifetime of healthy eating.  Eating foods like chocolate chip cookies and coconut custard pie is perfectly fine provided you know when and how often to treat yourself.  The Phentermine diet is down right poison.  To embark on a journey to create a beautiful body by dumping dangerous pharmaceuticals or chemicals down our throats is just a foolish at trying to breath underwater.  Neither option is good for your health.

South Beach Diet recipes seem great at first but we soon realized that some fundamental nutrients the body craves and the mind desires are not included in the plan.  South Beach Diet phase 1 recopies deprive the dieter of the basic pleasures of enjoying what they eat.  Although the South Beach Diet plan has been available to consumers for over fifteen years, little proof is offered by the company or its customers showing permanent weight loss effects.  Does the South Beach Diet work?  Sure it does, for a while, but then so does fasting and we all know how harmful that is to our bodies.  Try fasting for more than a week and see if you don’t want to eat everything you lay your eyes on!

Diet supplement warnings are published all over the internet.  People looking for a quick fix rarely look towards proper nutrition and get hooked on the advertising the supplement companies produce.  What they fail to do is read the diet supplement warnings the FDA writes about.  They ultimately fail at any long term weight-loss and drop out.

Many people write to me asking about the Atkins Diet Plan.  I have even seen sites that offer a copy of Atkins Diet plans along with the Atkins Diet Menu and Atkins Diet Recipes.  If people are looking for a free copy of the Atkins Diet, all they need to do is search for it in Google.  Personally, I consider the Atkins Diet a quick fix that deprives the dieter, allowing them to eat only calorie depleted foods.  Even the modified Atkins Diet falls short of delivering any reasonable long term effects.

Diet pills, prescription diet pills, weight loss diet pills and phentermine diet pills are simply unacceptable means of weight loss.  They do nothing other than trick the body into not eating.  Rather than a means to an end, they are outright unhealthy and should be avoided at all costs.

The best type of weight loss diet does not contain any weight loss diet pills.  A fast weight loss diet can be achieved with the right weight loss diet plan.  Free weight loss diet plans are about as valuable as what people pay for them.  If they are free, they are mostly useless.  How often has someone come up with a ground breaking idea and gave it away to the masses for free?  Free weight loss diet plans are usually just fancy ways to sell diet pills or supplements.  A healthy weight loss diet plan will incorporate all the nutritional elements necessary for the body to regulate its own weight.  Supplements should be used in conjunction with a health diet plan, not in lieu of one. 

The book written by Michael Mancini called, The Magic Bullet Diet, will teach you what to eat, how to eat and when to eat to achieve the body you always dreamed of.  It is a well written, captivating and highly informative book.  Short and sweet, it gets right to the heart of healthy eating and self diet regulating.  Employing sound nutritional principals while still allowing you to eat the foods you crave and love, The Magic Bullet Diet will astound you with its simplicity and grace.  Visit and look for it in the Kindle section.  Get your copy today to start looking and feeling better in as soon as 24 hours!